15 Posing Prompts to Help Couples Feel Comfortable and Confident

Couple portraits are all about capturing the love and fun-filled moments that give you a glimpse into what their relationship is like. Sometimes, though, people need a little push in the right direction in order to feel carefree and at ease during the session. The key is to make the couple forget that there’s a camera pointed in their direction. If you can do that, then you’re half-way there!

I’ve created a list of my favorite photography prompts that have been my tried and true methods to get a couple to let loose and have fun. 

First and foremost, it’s a grist idea to play some music during the sesh! It really sets the mood and gets your clients to relax. Drop the professionalism! You want your clients to feel like they’re hanging out with a friend (and if you’ve done enough in making them feel prepared for the session, it should be pretty easy and they’ll feel like you’re already best friends!)


  1. With arms around each other, pretend you’re both drunk and have to lean on each other for support and you walk toward me.

  2. Standing back-to-back, clasp hands together and spin around in a circle. Look back at each other every so often.

  3. Have the couple slow dance. Include a few twirls fo fun!

  4. Hug each other as if it’s been a year since you’ve seen them

  5. For the guy: lift and spin your partner around.

  6. Hold hands and run towards me

  7. Give your partner a big bear hug from behind. Add a kiss the cheek for fun!

  8. Kissing game! Kiss your partner like a hood pecker over and over.

  9. Go in for a kiss, but don’t kiss until I say. Hold still for a moment.

  10. Give her a piggyback ride and rock her side-to-side like you’re about to let her fall

  11. Play with each other’s hair

  12. Sit on the floor and get your legs all tangled up!

  13. In your sexiest voice, whisper “chicken nuggets” into your partners ear

  14. Tickle fight!

  15. Sit on his lap and play with his beard/chin

And there you go! These aren’t the only prompts that you can use, obviously! But hopefully this can get you started. What I love most about prompts vs. poses is that each one will be unique to the couple. These prompts are meant to spark your clients personalities and get them to open up, rather than telling someone specifically what to do. The latter often results in wooden, awkward, uninteresting pictures. Prompts really make the photo come alive! Your couples will forget all about the camera and will have fun the whole time with you!

Below are a few pictures of these prompts in action! Hope you enjoy experimenting and creating your own couple prompts 🤗


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